Disruptions to Kings Park and Bold Park may occur from works and service improvements, events or severe weather events.
Bushfire season in Kings Park and Bold Park
See below for information on park access and services during bushfire season.
Fire season updates
No current updates.
For up-to-date fire reports refer to at all times.
Help us protect our park!
We rely on our visitors and neighbours to report signs of fire and suspicious activity.
If you see smoke, please phone 000 immediately.
Please be vigilant and report any suspicious behaviour or suspected arson to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
BGPA: our fire preparedness
BGPA is working hard to reduce bushfire related risk in Kings Park. This includes ongoing weed removal from the bushland; regular park patrols and extra patrols on days of increased fire danger; along with maintaining clear access tracks to assist in fire response. When a Total Fire Ban has been declared for the Perth region, some areas of the park may be closed to the public as a safety measure.
If you see smoke or fire in the area, please call 000 immediately to alert DFES, who work closely with the BGPA to control fire in Kings Park.
Other Notices
At certain times it is necessary to close roads and facilities within Kings Park and Botanic Garden and Bold Park. Operational and maintenance activities can impact the status of roads, carparks, paths and services in the parks and closures will occur during certain weather conditions.
Current major notices will be listed below. There will be times where notices will only be available on location. Please observe all signage and instructions by traffic attendants.
Visitors can review current State roadworks via the Main Roads website to assist travel planning to and from the parks.
If you are planning an event, you will reduce the chance of service interruption or inconvenience by making a booking.
Polyphagous Shot-Hole Borer detection
Mount Eliza Escarpment
Following detections at Kings Park along Mount Eliza escarpment, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is working with the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority (BGPA) to stop the spread of the declared pest Polyphagous shot-hole borer (PSHB).
Visit the Mount Eliza Escarpment Project page for information on works, closures, tree removal and site remediation.
Current notices
Bold Park - Banksia Carpark - updated 19/02/2025
Banksia Carpark in Bold Park is currently closed to the public due to stormwater damage.
Significant rainfall led to stormwater eroding the bank beneath Banksia Carpark and undercutting the bitumen.
The repairs are led by the Water Corporation starting shortly and due for completion mid-2025.
Until then we request visitors avoid the area and use alternative access points to the park. More parking options are available here.
Kings Park - Pool of Reflection & Flame of Remembrance
The Pool of Reflection is empty and Flame of Remembrance extinguished presently due to a plumbing issue.
BGPA is working on having the issue resolved as soon as possible.
Botanical Cafe
Botanical Cafe is temporarily closed. The Kiosk and Fraser's Restaurant remain open for business.
The Kiosk opening hours will extend to:
Sunday – Thursday 7am – 6 pm
Friday – Saturday 7 am – 8pm
General notices
ANZAC Day information - Friday 25 April 2025
Access to Kings Park will be significantly restricted due to ANZAC Day services on Friday 25 April 2025.
Large crowds are expected on ANZAC Day. Travel delays may occur so plan your journey to allow plenty of time.
With crowds of approximately 25,000 people expected in Kings Park, public transport is strongly recommended for people attending ANZAC Day Dawn Service. The Returned & Services League of Western Australia (RSLWA) recommends Dawn Service patrons arrive at Kings Park from 5.00am onwards.
Road and carpark closures will take place in and around Kings Park on Friday 25 April 2025.
Public transport
It is recommended that you take public transport. Some travel delays may be experienced, so please plan your journey and allow extra time to get to the event.
Transperth will be running additional trains and buses with extra capacity. Please check the Transperth website to plan your visit.
Free shuttle buses (route 619) will be operating between the Perth Busport and Kings Park Road (outside Dumas House Stop 10113) from 4.30am to 9.00am.
An internal Kings Park shuttle service (route 621) will operate between the Vietnam War Memorial at May Drive Parkland and the coach terminus near Wadjuk Way from 4.25am - 9.30am. The 621 will not operate during the Dawn Service. Pick up on May Drive will be at Stop 27257 (southern side of May Drive near Wadjuk Way).
All other bus and ferry services will operate on a public holiday timetable.
Road closures
Road closures and traffic detours will be in place in and around Kings Park to ensure public safety on 24 - 25 April 2025. Bus-only lanes will operate on parts of Hay and Havelock Streets to provide fast shuttle bus services from the Elizabeth Quay Bus Station to the Anzac Day Dawn Service.
The following road closures will occur from 2.00am until approximately 9.30am, Friday 25 April 2025:
- Kings Park Road (full road closure)
- Malcolm Street (full road closure)
- St Georges Terrace (Elder Street to Malcolm Street)
- Walker Avenue (from Rheola Street to Kings Park Road)
- Ventnor Avenue (from Ord Street to Kings Park Road)
- Outram Street (from Ord Street to Kings Park Road)
- Altona Street (from Ord Street to Kings Park Road)
- Colin Street (from Ord Street to Kings Park Road)
- Ord Street (from Colin Street to Havelock Street)
- Havelock Street northbound (from Hay Street to Kings Park Road)
- Havelock Street southbound (from Wellington Street to Kings Park Road)
- Parliament Place
- Fraser Avenue, Kings Park
- May Drive (from Saw Ave), Kings Park
- Saw Avenue, Kings Park
- Wadjuk Way, Kings Park
- Kattidj Close, Kings Park.
Restrictions will apply to parking in Kings Park on ANZAC Day. Most Kings Park carparks will be closed to the public with some parking reserved for dignitaries, aged or infirm guests.
Using public transport and leaving your car at home is strongly recommended. Parking is available in nearby suburbs and City of Perth carparks for those who require it. If you plan to park in the City of Perth, we recommend you download their parking app for up-to-date information on parking availability.
The following Kings Park carparks will be closed to the general public from the afternoon of Thursday 24 April 2025 until mid-late afternoon of Friday 25 April 2025:
- Forrest Carpark
- Kings Park Administration Carpark
- Pines BBQ Area Carpark (Kings Park Education Carpark)
- Botanic Gardens Carpark
- Wanju Marr Carpark
- Wadjuk Carpark
- Wardong Buspark
- Jorang Carpark
- Poolgarla Family Area Carpark.
Verge parking will be available along some portions of May Drive, Lovekin Drive, Forrest Drive, Poole Avenue and Park Avenue.
Aged or infirm parking
If you are aged or infirm, limited parking will be available in Kings Park. You will need to contact the RSLWA directly and obtain a Special Guest Parking Pass to access these car bays. This is only available to ACROD pass holders or people who are aged or infirm. To contact the RSLWA, please email or phone (08) 9287 3799.
The Special Guest Parking Pass must be displayed in your car in order to bypass staffed road closures and access the designated parking areas in Wadjuk Carpark.
Park services
Most services within Kings Park will be open to provide customer service on ANZAC Day, with some business opening earlier than usual.
- Kings Park Kiosk in the Fraser Avenue precinct will be open from 3.00am
- Botanical Café in the Fraser Avenue precinct is currently closed for renovation
- Coffee will be available from the Fraser's Coffee Cart on Fraser Avenue from 4.00am
- Fraser's Restaurant in the Fraser Avenue precinct will be closed
- Koorak Cafe in the Poolgarla Family Area will be closed
- Zamia Cafe in May Drive Parkland will be open from 6.30am
- Aspects of Kings Park in the Fraser Avenue precinct will be open from 9.00am - 5.00pm and has a range of scarves, poppy brooches and books to commemorate this poignant moment in history.
- Kings Park Administration will be closed.
The Dawn Service at the State War Memorial precinct will be divided into two areas. Each area will contain toilets, first aid, lost persons and information.
In an emergency situation, please contact 000. RSLWA information line will be available throughout the event on (08) 9287 3799.
The Park Management Officer can provide emergency assistance and can be contacted directly via mobile 0418 923 973.
Further information
Further information on ANZAC Day events in Perth is available on the RSLWA website.
Timed parking trial (Jorang Carpark) - 24 February to 21 March 2025
From 24 February to 21 March 2025 we will be implementing a trial 4-hour parking limit at Jorang Carpark (Next Gen Gym and Royal Kings Park Tennis Club). This limit will be enforced between 7am and 4pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
Signage will be in place informing users of Jorang Carpark of the restrictions.
All other carparks within Kings Park will remain unchanged.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Broadwalk Vista (DNA Tower) - golden grass
Water is a precious resource, and Kings Park is adapting for a changing climate.
We've all felt the effect of increased temperatures and extended dry periods in recent Perth summers. Kings Park relies on groundwater to irrigate our parkland and gardens. To ensure our limited water supply is allocated to areas where it is needed most, we've changed our landscape management practice for the Broadwalk Vista.
The Broadwalk Vista will die off in summer and green up with the first rains of the season. It’s not dead! It's just dormant throughout the dry months.
Parking regulations in Kings Park
Parking in Kings Park is restricted to visitors only.
Kings Park provides free parking only for those visitors within the park boundaries. Visitors are not permitted to park their vehicle in Kings Park and then leave Kings Park boundaries by any other means (on foot, by bus or in another vehicle).
If you 'park and leave' infringements will apply.
For more information refer to the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Regulations.
School ball parking
Temporary parking on Fraser Avenue will not be provided for buses, limos and cars, and fines will apply.
We have received many complaints and reports of near misses regarding the parking of party buses, limos and cars parked illegally along Fraser Avenue.
Unfortunately, due to the increasing impact on the visitor experience and safety, with the overwhelming number of charter vehicles (Buses, Limousines and Private Charter Vehicles) accessing Kings Park each evening and particularly during the warmer months, temporary parking on Fraser Avenue will no longer be provided. Parking on Fraser Ave without special permission is ILLEGAL and will result in infringements being issued.
However, for buses and limousines, set down zones are available in the Wadjuk Carpark each day and evening. This will provide safe access for your patrons to walk to Fraser Avenue for photos without having to cross any roads.
Alternatively, charter vehicles may park in the allocated street parking along Forrest Drive, near Roe Carpark. This location allows for Perth city and Swan River views at Roe Gardens which is another spectacular and safe option.
For longer bus and limousine stays, please park in Wardong Buspark on May Drive to wait, and then return to the set down zone in Wadjuk Carpark to pick up your patrons.
Adequate parking is available in Wadjuk Carpark, Education Carpark, or along May Drive/Lovekin Drive/ Forrest Drive for private vehicles accompanying charter vehicles.
School ball attendees and Vehicle Hire Companies are required to notify BGPA, with a minimum of one week’s notice, when they will be attending Kings Park for ball photos.