Kings Park launches plant range of ‘tried and true’ Favourites
In September 2025 the Botanic Gardens & Parks Authority will celebrate 60 years of the Western Australian Botanic Garden.
These six decades have seen a continual refinement of propagation practices, cultivation knowhow and species selection, all with the goal of ensuring the best outcomes for our ex-situ living collections in the botanic garden, and our native flora displays across Kings Park.
Now, home gardeners and plant lovers can benefit from this 60 years of knowledge and experience – by seeking out plants from the ‘Kings Park Favourites’ range.
This month, Kings Park horticultural experts, in collaboration with Domus Nursery, have released a range of hardy and ornamental Western Australian native plants. The 24 species in the range are endorsed by the Kings Park team as being excellent choices for Western Australian gardens and urban spaces, having stood the test of time in botanical collections and Kings Park’s displays over many years.
Species in the ‘Kings Park Favourites’ range provide positive environmental benefits, including habitat and food for a variety of urban fauna, such as beneficial insects and native birds. The woody fruits of the Hakea francisiana (Emu Bush), for example, are a magnet for Black Cockatoos for whom the plant is an important food source.
With a range of genera and habits, there is a species to suit every space. Strappy-leaved Conostylis candicans (Grey Cottonhead) and low-growing shrubs such as Verticordia chrysantha (Golden Featherflower) make great additions for limited spaces, whilst the range of smaller Mallee Eucalypts, including Eucalyptus kruseana (Bookleaf Mallee) and Eucalyptus rosaceae, are ideal for those with a little more room.
These species have proven to be resilient in our tough WA climate and once established, should not require much or any supplementary water.
As Kings Park’s Horticulture and Living Collections team continues to observe and trial plants in the Western Australian Botanic Garden and beyond, there are sure to be more ‘Favourites’ on the horizon before too long!
Plants in the ‘Kings Park Favourites’ range are appearing in local nurseries now, and can be identified by their bright green plant label. Keep an eye out for these species next time you’re looking for plants to add to your green spaces.
You can explore the full range of ‘Kings Park Favourites’ here.