Anigozanthos ‘Kings Park Federation Flame’

Kangaroo Paw (hybrid)

This beautiful Anigozanthos hybrid provides a stunning late spring to early summer show of beautiful russet coloured, velvety flowers.

This kangaroo paw is a strappy-leaved plant that can reach a height of 80 cm. Honey eaters love the rich nectar and will make for happy garden neighbours! Mass planted with other kangaroo paws, 'Kings Park Federation Flame' makes for an excellent display.

Grow it at home

  • An adaptable plant and will grow well in most soils, but prefers sand
  • Water in well at time of planting and monitor its water needs carefully for the first winter and summer. After this, ensure it has moisture during extended dry periods
  • When flowering has finished, cut the flower stalks off at their base, but do not cut the foliage.
  • Apply a slow-release native plant fertiliser at planting and annually in autumn

Anigozanthos rufus ‘Kings Park Federation Flame’ is a colour form specially selected by the Kings Park Plant Breeding team for landscape planting in celebration of the Centenary of Federation of Australia in 2001.

Find it in Kings Park

See this kangaroo paws fiery colour for yourself in the Aspects Mound, Chamelaucium and Anigozanthos Garden and May Drive Parkland.

Out in the wild

Keep an eye out for these stunning Anigozanthos hybrids in amenity landscapes around Perth.

Melaleuca fulgens Apricot

Scarlett Honey Myrtle

Hakea laurina

Pincushion Hakea

Chamelaucium uncinatum

Geraldton Wax

Adenanthos sericeus

Woolly Bush

Banksia nivea

Honey Pot Dryandra

Banksia ashbyi subsp. boreoscaia

Ashby’s Banksia (dwarf form)

Eucalyptus kingsmillii

Kingsmill’s mallee

Eremophila nivea

Silky Eremophila

Banksia burdettii

Burdett's Banksia