Grevillea 'Honey Moon'

'Honey Moon' is a dense, spreading shrub that has the potential to be pruned into a small tree.

Vibrant yellow-orange flowers bloom throughout the year, attracting birds to the area.

A great addition to native and waterwise gardens, mixed borders and landscapes.

  • Grows 3m x 3.5 m
  • Thrives in a full sun position with well drained soil
  • Feed with an application of low phosphorous fertiliser every 6 months or as required

Look for the Kings Park logo in your local nursery.

Anigozanthos 'Masquerade'

Kangaroo Paw (hybrid)

Anigozanthos ‘Scorchers Flame’

Kangaroo Paw (hybrid)

Grevillea 'Coverall'

Anigozanthos 'Fireworks'

Kangaroo Paw (hybrid)

Grevillea 'Red Coral'

Grevillea 'Kimberley Moon'

Chamelaucium 'Local Hero'

Waxflower 'Local Hero'

Grevillea 'Outback Sunrise'

Grevillea 'Ruby Dream'