Zippy's Bush Kindy - Term 2 2025

Join our wonderful bush kindy community for a fun and engaging weekly experience that strengthens your child's connection to nature.

Dates and times

Event information

Term 2 - ‘My Bushland Friends’

This 8-week term aims to develop children’s confidence and skills while they explore our beautiful bushland here at Kings Park. Children will identify and utilise their senses to increase their awareness of self and the environment around them.

Through a variety of nature-based activities and investigations, children will make new discoveries, ask questions, solve problems, and actively construct knowledge. Through spending time exploring the bushland with their 'Bush Kindy' community, we hope each child will develop a sense of belonging and strengthen their connection to nature.

In Term 2 we welcome both new children to Bush Kindy and also children continuing from previous terms. We will explore the bushland around us, considering seasonal changes and investigating the questions ‘Who lives here?’ and ‘What do livings things need?' New discoveries will expand children's knowledge and understanding of local animals, plants, and their interdependence.

Children will:

• have lots of opportunity to play and explore

• discover some of the unique plants and animals found at Kings Park

• investigate the features, behaviours and needs of animals and plants

• explore the important relationships between animals and plants

• actively care for the bushland through planting with our Horticulture staff

• learn ways to create and care for habitat in their own backyards

• increase their understanding of Noongar language

• grow in empathy and love of nature

Program dates - Term 2 2025

Tuesdays - 6 May to 24 June - 9.30am or 10.30am
Wednesdays - 7 May to 25 June - 9.30am only
Thursdays - 8 May to 26 June - 9.30am or 10.30am
Fridays - 9 May to 27 June - 9.30am or 10.30am

Book now for Term 2

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