Backyard Botanicals Garden

The Backyard Botanicals Garden around Zamia Cafe is a 'grow-it-at-home' display that will inspire you to choose a Western Australian native plant for your backyard! 

Visitors to May Drive Parkland can enjoy this garden year-round, as there is always something of interest whether it be flowers, plant form and texture, foliage or fruits.  Native plants within this display are hardy, water-wise and beautiful, attract native birds, bees and insects and are readily available from local native plant nurseries or at one of the quarterly Native Plant Sales in Kings Park.

Keep an eye out for a range of smaller Western Australian eucalypts, perfect for the home garden.

The Backyard Botanicals bed is located at May Drive Parkland outside Zamia Cafe.

Look out for...

Chamelaucium uncinatum

One of the most well-known Australian flowers, commonly used as a cut flower for it's showy blooms and longevity once removed from the plant.

Eucalyptus kruseana

Eucalyptus kruseana boasts orbicular leaves that grow overlapping each other, as the pages of a book would.

Hakea laurina

With a flower like this, of course this little beauty is going to get some attention!

Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. rosea

This beautiful everlasting daisy creates carpets of pink and white flowers following winter rains.