Verticordia Garden

The Verticordia Garden is a striking statement within the Western Australian Botanic Garden, demanding attention with its magnificent bright blooms during most months of the year.

It is no surprise that the genus name Verticordia refers to the ancient Roman goddess Venus, literally translated as ‘turner of hearts’.

The Verticordia genus is uniquely Australian, occurring only in the states of Western Australia and the Northern Territory. In Western Australia the majority can be found in the temperate south of the state, drawing a line from Shark Bay in the north to Cape Arid in the south-east, with limited distribution in the tropical northern regions.

Verticordias are commonly known as featherflowers due to the fringed and feathered appearance of the five sepals and/or petals that are part of their striking flowers.

Ranging in habit, from small and compact, to taller, spreading shrubs, verticordias make an excellent choice for the home garden. They flower prolifically for a number of weeks in a range of colours, and are a worthy addition to a sunny garden or pot display, attracting native insects, butterflies and nectar-feeding birds.

This collection of hardy shrubs not only displays a selection of this beautiful and varied genus for visitors to discover, but also preserves rare and threatened species for the future.

When you raise your eyes from the beauty of the Verticordia Garden, you will be captivated by the splendid view of both the river and the Darling Range beyond.

Behind you stands the ancient Gija Jumulu (Giant Boab) which was transported 3200 kilometres from the Kimberley to Kings Park in 2008.

View across the water from the Verticordia Garden.

Look out for...

Verticordia chrysantha

Bringing sunshine yellow cheer to the native garden or a container, Verticordia chrysantha flowers prolifically with bright yellow flowers from mid spring to early summer. 

Verticordia plumosa

An attractive small shrub with blue-green linear leaves that contrast with soft pink to pink-purple flowers between July and December. 

Notes from the curator

Meifang Zhao

I have been the Coordinator of this area for thirteen years and I am particularly fond of the Verticordia Garden. On an early winter morning, with the sun rising over the Darling Scarp in the distance, I can think of no finer place to be.

I would encourage every home gardener to grow at least one verticordia!

These plants thrive in full sun, in an open position with well drained soils, so pick a sunny place in your garden. A light tip prune following flowering will encourage your verticordia to stay compact and promote beautiful fresh new growth. If you have a smaller garden or outdoor space, many verticordias such as the yellow featherflower (Verticordia chrysantha) will grow well in containers. Make sure you use a native potting mix and don’t over water.