Eucalyptus caesia subsp. magna

Silver Princess

A favourite of many, the Silver Princess is a mallee that certainly catches the eye.

Growing up to 14 m high, Eucalyptus caesia subsp. magna has silvery pendulous branches with blue-grey/mid-green leaves and attractive ‘minni-ritchi' bark - a type of reddish brown bark that continuously peels in small, curly flakes. Stems and flower buds are covered with a powdery white bloom giving a silver appearance, hence the common name. The large stunning flowers that appear in autumn and winter grow up to 50 mm across and vary from pink to red, though white-flowered plants have been reported. These flowers attract nectar-feeding birds, making it a great choice for your garden. Flowering is followed by large, urn-shaped ‘gumnuts' that vary in colour from waxy white to shiny red making for an attractive feature in their own right.

Grow it at home

  • Grows best in an open position in full sun
  • Tolerates a range of soils provided free draining
  • Drought tolerant once established
  • Lignotuber allows for hard pruning if required, this species will reshoot from the base

Although commonly grown as ornamental native plants, Eucalyptus caesia subsp. magna has become rare in the wild and is classed as a Priority species (rare but not currently threatened by any identifiable factors).

Find it in Kings Park

Silver Princesses are dotted around many areas of the park including around Wadjuk Car Park, the Western Australian Botanic Garden entrance, Eucalyptus Car Park, at May Drive Parkland and at Poolgarla Family Area.

Out in the wild

In the wild, Eucalyptus caesia subsp. magna is found on granite outcrops in fairly sparse populations in the Central Wheatbelt region of Western Australia.

Eucalyptus preissiana

Bell-fruited Mallee

Boronia crenulata

Aniseed Boronia

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Woolly Wattle

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