Melaleuca fulgens Apricot

Scarlet Honeymyrtle

The Apricot Honey Myrtle has fine, slender leaves and an open branching habit, usually growing to 1.5m high by 1.5m wide. 

Vibrant coral-orange bottlebrush like flowers appear in winter and continue through spring, attracting nectar loving fauna. 

Melaleuca fulgens is commonly known as Scarlet Honeymyrtle. Flowers are most commonly red but can be pink, white or apricot in colour as with this selection. All make excellent garden plants.

Grow it at home

  • Will grow in a range of soils provided free draining.
  • Grows well in full sun or light shade.
  • Lightly prune to maintain shape following flowering.
  • Drought and light frost tolerant once established.
  • Can adapt to occasional periods of wet soil.
  • Suitable for coastal locations.
  • When planting, fertilise with a granular slower release fertiliser that is low in phosphorous and formulated for native plants.

Find it in Kings Park

Find this Melaleuca at the Botanic Garden entrance, Northern Wheatbelt Garden, Wadjuk carpark surrounds, Frasers Restaurant surrounds and Poolgarla Parkland.

Out in the wild

This Melaleuca is endemic to a broad area, in different soils and conditions throughout the south-west of WA. 

Find it in nurseries

Kings Park Favourites are produced in partnership with Domus Nursery and are available for purchase in retail garden centres and hardware stores throughout WA.

Verticordia plumosa

Plumed Featherflower

Darwinia citriodora

Lemon-scented Darwinia

Banksia blechnifolia

Eremophila nivea

Silky Eremophila

Eucalyptus caesia subsp. magna

Silver Princess

Adenanthos sericeus

Woolly Bush

Grevillea bracteosa

Grevillea glabrilimba

Eucalyptus erythrocorys
