Eucalyptus preissiana

Bell-fruited Mallee

With large blue-green leaves and beautiful yellow flowers, Eucalyptus preissiana brings vibrancy to the garden in winter and spring.

This attractive Eucalypt is low growing, up to 3m x 3m, multi stemmed from the base and can appear almost shrub-like. It is a great habitat plant for smaller birds, with flowers appealing to native honeyeaters, insects and bees.

Eucalyptus preissiana is commonly known as Bell-fruited Mallee due to the shape of the ornamental woody fruits that appear after flowering.

Grow it at home

  • Best grown in an open, sunny area, but will tolerate light shade 
  • Grows well in a range of soils provided they are free draining
  • Drought tolerant once established
  • Suitable for coastal conditions
  • Suitable for smaller native gardens, verges and climate resilient urban environments
  • Can be grown in a large pot, using a free draining native soil
  • Lignotuber allows for hard pruning if required; this species will reshoot from the base.

Find it in Kings Park

Specimens in Kings Park can be seen between the Education Building and Wardong bus bay, the Eucalyptus Garden, and in garden beds along Forrest Drive.

Out in the wild

This species is endemic to the south coast of Western Australia between Albany and Esperance.

Find it in nurseries

Kings Park Favourites are produced in partnership with Domus Nursery and are available for purchase in retail garden centres and hardware stores throughout WA.

Eucalyptus kruseana

Bookleaf Mallee

Grevillea bracteosa

Acacia lanuginophylla

Woolly Wattle

Eucalyptus erythrocorys


Conostylis candicans

Grey Cottonhead

Hakea multilineata

Grass Leaf Hakea

Dodonaea ceratocarpa

Horny Hop-Bush

Trachymene coerulea

Blue Lace Flower

Eucalyptus caesia subsp. magna

Silver Princess