Eucalyptus rosacea

This dainty desert dweller is a fine crowned mallee that grows between 1 to 4m high.  Smooth grey bark sheds to reveal new pink-yellow bark, leaves are grey-green and linear.

Pink capped flower buds, held in groups of 7, open to reveal a stunning display of dainty cream-pink to red flowers from November through to February.  

Small in stature this Eucalypt is well suited to small native gardens or even growing in a large pot and is sure to attract nectar loving birds.

Grow it at home

  • Will grow in a range of soils provided free draining.
  • Grows well in full sun, will tolerate light dappled shade
  • Very drought tolerant once established.
  • When planting, fertilise with a granular slower release fertiliser that is low in Phosphorous and formulated for native plants.
  • With an open habit, this small mallee is suitable for underplanting with other native species with similar low water requirements.
  • Plant as a single specimen tree in a small garden or as stand of 3 or more trees in larger native gardens.
  • As a mallee, Eucalyptus rosacea can be hard pruned back to the lignotuber at the base of the trunk, to stimulate fresh multi-stemmed growth. 

Find it in Kings Park

This mallee can be found in the Wadjuk carpark surrounds, Botanical Café and Frasers Restaurant Garden, Kings Park Education building and Rio Tinto Naturescape Kings Park surrounds, Eucalyptus Garden and Goldfields Garden. 

Out in the wild

This mallee is found in low-growing, open mallee shrubland, in yellow or red sandy soils from east of Laverton to the south-west of the Great Victoria Desert. 

Find it in nurseries

Kings Park Favourites are produced in partnership with Domus Nursery and are available for purchase in retail garden centres and hardware stores throughout WA.

Eucalyptus preissiana

Bell-fruited Mallee

Verticordia plumosa

Plumed Featherflower

Hibbertia grossulariifolia

Guinea Flower

Anigozanthos ‘Big Red’

Kangaroo Paw (hybrid)

Chamelaucium ciliatum

Wax flower

Chorizema cordatum

Heart-leaf Flame Pea

Hakea francisiana

Emu Tree

Adenanthos cuneatus

Coastal Jug Flower

Hakea invaginata