Pimelea ferruginea

Magenta Mist

An attractive small domed, dense shrub with small glossy green leaves, growing to 1m x 1m. 

This form has beautiful dark pink globular flowers which cover the plant from late winter to early summer, attracting a range of native pollinators including butterflies.

Pimelea ferruginea is used as rootstock by the BGPA Nursery team when grafting other more sensitive Pimelea species from WA, including Pimelea physodes and Pimelea spectabilis. This ensures more longevity and vigour when planting these species in our ex-situ collection in the Botanic Garden.

Grow it at home

  • Prefers sandy soils, but will grow in a range of soils provided free draining
  • Grows well in full sun or light shade
  • Will tolerate hard pruning following flowering to maintain shape and encourage a bushy habit
  • Try clipping as an alternative to a low growing native hedge
  • Tolerant of coastal conditions
  • Suitable to pot cultivation
  • Drought tolerant once established.
  • When planting, fertilise with a granular slower release fertiliser that is low in Phosphorous and formulated for native plants.

Find it in Kings Park

Pimelea ferruginea can be found at the Aspects Mound and Floral Clock, Botanic Garden Entry, May Drive Parkland and Poolgarla Parkland. 

Out in the wild

Pimelea ferruginea grows around the coast of south-west WA, from Port Denison in the north to Cape Arid in the south-east. It favours sandy soils amongst dunes and lateritic or granitic soils on coastal headlands. 

Find it in nurseries

Kings Park Favourites are produced in partnership with Domus Nursery and are available for purchase in retail garden centres and hardware stores throughout WA.

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