Hakea invaginata

A highly ornamental Hakea with fine, long green leaves and a profuse display of pink-purple flowers that appear along the branch stems in summer.

With a dense, upright, broom-like habit, this Hakea usually grows between 2 - 2.5m high and wide. 

The species name invaginata means 'within a sheath', referring to the grooves of the young leaf. Small, woody ovoid fruits follow flowers. 

Grow it at home

  • Will grow in a range of soils provided free draining.
  • Grows best in an open sunny position, tolerates light shade. 
  • Prune to maintain shape following flowering.
  • Drought tolerant once established.
  • Great habitat and food source for nectar loving birds and insects. 
  • When planting, fertilise with a granular slower release fertiliser that is low in phosphorous and formulated for native plants.

Find it in Kings Park

This Hakea can be found in the Grevillea and Hakea Garden and the Northern Wheatbelt Garden.

Out in the wild

This Hakea is native to Western Australia’s wheatbelt area from Geraldton to Coolgardie.

Find it in nurseries

Kings Park Favourites are produced in partnership with Domus Nursery and are available for purchase in retail garden centres and hardware stores throughout WA.

Adenanthos cuneatus

Coastal Jug Flower

Banksia nivea

Honeypot Dryandra

Eucalyptus kingsmillii

Kingsmill’s mallee

Anigozanthos manglesii

Mangles Kangaroo Paw

Acacia lanuginophylla

Woolly Wattle

Hibbertia grossulariifolia

Guinea Flower

Eucalyptus caesia subsp. magna

Silver Princess

Eucalyptus erythrocorys


Verticordia plumosa

Plumed Featherflower