Hakea francisiana
Emu Tree
A striking upright, branched shrub, Hakea francisiana grows between 3 - 8 metres high. It is often spreading and quite bushy, making it a great habitat plant for small birds.
Clusters of showy deep pink to red cylindrical spike-like flower inflorescences appear between July and October. These are particularly attractive to nectar feeding native birds.
The woody fruits that follow the flowers are an important food source for Black Cockatoo species.
Grow it at home
- Will grow in a range of soils provided free draining
- Grows best in full sun, in areas with low humidity
- Prune to maintain shape following flowering if required
- A great alternative to a small tree in the home garden
- Very drought tolerant once established
- When planting, fertilise with a granular slower release fertiliser that is low in Phosphorous and formulated for native plants.
Find it in Kings Park
Hakea francisiana can be found in the Grevillea & Hakea Garden, Wardong Bus Bay, Wadjuk Way and Saw Avenue.
Out in the wild
The Emu Tree grows in a range of soils often within open Mallee woodland and shrubland communities. It is found in arid areas from Wiluna to the north, Geraldton to the west, Lake Grace to the south, with populations extending east into the Great Victoria Desert.
Find it in nurseries
Kings Park Favourites are produced in partnership with Domus Nursery and are available for purchase in retail garden centres and hardware stores throughout WA.