Plants from Plants - Propagation Workshop

29 March 2025

Learn to grow plants from cuttings at this hands-on workshop with the Kings Park experts.

Dates and times

Event information

The living collections in Kings Park and Botanic Gardens are unique. The techniques for propagating these plants have been developed over decades to ensure the conservation of some of WA’s most vulnerable species.

The plant propagation workshop is hands-on, where you will learn how to grow plants from cuttings. We will cover environmental conditions required for success, and equipment needed. You will take home your propagated plants, and an information handout.

BYO pair of small secateurs (often called floral snips) suitable for doing fine and delicate work, that are clean and sharp, gardening gloves and a bag or box to carry your project home in. All other material will be provided.

Please note: Refunds are not available in most circumstances once a booking has been made. For any enquiries about this event, please contact

For more information and to book visit Eventbrite.

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