New plant releases celebrate WA’s spirited women

Five varieties of native plants will be released to honour the Country Women’s Association of WA’s 100th birthday, with the first release – ‘Woman of Spirit’ – now in stores.

The name of the first plant under the partnership between the Country Women’s Association (CWA) of WA and Kings Park and Botanic Garden celebrates the resilience of rural women, with the names of future releases set to commemorate significant Western Australian women.

‘Woman of Spirit’ is a bright-red Grevillea, bred by the Kings Park Plant Development program to flower 12-months of the year. 

All five plants will provide environmental benefits, such as reduced reliance on water and  fertilisers and are adaptable to different soil and climate regions, so they can be planted in CWA communities and home gardens across the state. These resilient qualities also reflect  the tenacious women of the CWA.

The five-year partnership builds on the long-standing relationship between the CWA and Kings Park and Botanic Garden, which began in 1962 when the idea of the Pioneer Women’s Memorial was conceived. 

Sue McDougall, Director of the Western Australian Botanic Garden said "To appropriately honour the CWA, we knew we needed a plant which would grow throughout WA, in regions with a range of conditions. ‘Woman of Spirit’ not only embodies these qualities, it also brings gorgeous colour all-year-round and is bird-attracting."

“All the plants planned for release under this partnership prioritise resilient qualities and long flowering seasons, so that country women across WA can enjoy these cultivars in their gardens."

“It’s been an honour to be able to work with the CWA to acknowledge the legacy that their amazing members have had across the State.”

Felicity Edwards, CWA of Western Australia State President added: “For 100 years, strong, spirited women have united to strengthen communities throughout Western Australia under the banner of the CWA."

“The plants released as part of our partnership with Kings Park and Botanic Garden pay homage to the remarkable efforts of CWA women – like them, ‘Woman of Spirit’ is hardy and resilient."

“I’d like to acknowledge Mr Ian Junk whose generous donation funded this project. His mother, the late Eleanor Junk, was a much-loved CWA member, a legendary cook and clever craftswoman who hand-dyed wool using native plants. She would be pleased to hear the first 
release in this partnership is her favourite plant, the Grevillea.”

‘Woman of Spirit’ is now available in stores at Bunnings and select native nurseries.